Capacity Development

"Strong Team .. Effective Approach .. Unique Actions!"

Expanded Capacities of SYFS and Partner NGOs

1. To develop SYFS policies, guidebooks and structure

  • Three-year strategic plan, (2014- 2016).
  • Annual action plan developed. 
  • Annual Budget developed. 
  • Annual fundraising strategy. 
  • Organizational Policy, financial and accounting policy developed. 
  • Organizational and HR Manual including performance monitoring tools developed.  

2. To improve capacities of SYFS and partners’ staff 

  • SYFS and partners’ staff are trained in technical and administrative skills.
  • SYFS staff and volunteers participated in national and international training programs. 
  • Needs assessed for staff development.
  • SYFS’ HR annual capacity development plan is developed. 

3. To enhance SYFS local, regional and international networks

  • SYFS membership in nationals and internationals networks is activated.
  • SYFS organized and participated in International Youth day.
  • SYFS participated in national and international summits, (Regularly).
  • SYFS social media pages and website are developed, (Regularly).
  • SYFS profile is developed and annually published. 
  • Social media campaigns are conducted.

4. To develop SYFS information systems 

  • Information systems are launched.
  • Administrative information system is created.
  • Documentation,(visual and written), system is developed.  

5. To upgrade SYFS equipment

  • SYFS logistic equipment are upgraded. 
  • SYFS electronic equipment are upgraded.
