SYFS Concludes Advance Peer Education Training
2018-05-23 09:40

Tuesday, 22/05/2018--- Save Youth Future Society concluded a 20-hour- training course entitled" Advance Peer Education", which targeted a number of 25 new Ypeer.


The course aimed at building the capacities of Ypeer youth to be trainers of Gender Based Violence, Sexual & Reproductive Health. The trainees were briefed on how to utilize their communication and leadership skills in raising the awareness of people towards GBVand SRH subjects through delivering sessions, workshops and trainings to adolescents and community members.


The first day, which led by Mr. Saji Obaid, covered Training of Trainer subjects, communication and leadership skills and thinking positively as well as acting effectively. Meanwhile, the second day, which led by the trainer Maisara Al-Kafarna, covered the subjected related to gender based violence. During the second day, the trainees were briefed of the basics lines of how to tackle gender  based violence as a subject by youth.


The trainees were also briefed of sexual& reproductive health topics on the third day of training, where they effectively participated with Mrs. Feryal Thabet, the expert of SRH subject.

On the last day of training, the trainees actively made presentations, where the trainer Saji Obaid gave them comments and feedback on their performances. A competition was held during the training to select the best performance team on presentation. The trainees expressed their satisfaction on the atmosphere of training as the practical side of training was more than the theoretical.

The coordinator Sahar Sarsour reflected that the trainees will be presenting workshops on the targeted themes in the coming periods of time at other associations and organizations, targeting other youth.

Ms. Sarsour distributed the certificates of accomplishment and thanked  the trainees for their commitment to the training.

Worth noting that this training is considered as part of the activities, targeting y-peers network, funded byUNFPA